Sunday, July 12, 2015

Day 9 and 10!

Day 9: Shabbat in Sdei Boker (including chultzot)
MBI had a relaxing Shabbat at Sde Boker yesterday. In the morning the tzevet (staff) ran Shabbat chuggim, or interest groups. There were a few different options or topics that the chanichim (participants) were able to participate in. One of them was a facilitated conversation about the current conflict in Israel. Another goal of the conversation was to put it in the larger historical context of the Arab-Israeli conflict. There was also one that focused on gender and masculinity, and another discussion led by Israeli madrichim about morality in the Israeli Defense Force. For those interested in lighter topics there was also board games and a cappella. Following Shabbat chuggim, all of MBI headed to the pool to cool down before lunch.

By the afternoon, it was time for the moment that many of the chanichim on MBI have been waiting for. They were given their Chultzot Tnua (blue movement shirts) in a symbolic moment where they were declared movement leaders. To mark this occasion, the tzevet, with participation from the chanichim, held a tekes (ceremony) at the gravesite of Israel's first Prime Minister David Ben Gurion. In addition to the tekes, they also spent time at the grave to learn about Ben Gurion and the legacy he left behind for the State of Israel and for the Jewish people.

In the evening, after eating dinner in the Chadar Ochel (dining hall), the group self-ran musicale and medura. Both of these events are weekly traditions at all of the machanot (camps). Musicale is a musical open mic night, and medura (bonfire) is a more traditional talent show with all sorts of acts (at camp, this occurs in front of a bonfire).

Day 10: Conflict Day -- peulot at Sdei Boker, Erev Kvutza
MBI had a very informative day where they learned a lot, had fun, and didn't even leave the hostel until the middle of the afternoon!

They kicked off their Arab-Israeli seminar day with two stations. One was led by this summer's rosh MBI, George Stevens, and focused on the history of the Arab-Israeli conflict in one hour. The session with George aimed to address the facts that both sides claim to be true through out the conflicts history. One of the goals was to give them as broad of a background as possible on the conflict. They started with the birth of Zionism in the late 1800's and worked their way up until today. Though this was a difficult task to complete in an hour, many came out of the crash course with a greater history context of the conflict today.

The group then covered many of the modern challenges to creating peace, looking at Gaza, Israel and West Bank. They watched "The Westbank Story" and then they discussed how youth tend to see the world in a different light, and have the power to affect change as a result.

At night, the MBIers split into their kvutzot for a more intimate setting for nighttime learning and reflection.

I am once again with bad internet - I will post tomorrow! 

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