Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Hatzar Kinneret and Rafsodia

Sorry for forgetting to post last night!  Please see information about free weekend at the bottom of this post!

The group headed down to the shores of the Kinneret to learn about the early pioneers at one of the most historically significant places by the Kinneret- the Chatzer Kinneret (Kinneret courtyard) and cemetery. Founded in 1909, the Kinneret courtyard was part of the first agricultural training farm in modern Israel, this is where young people would come through in small groups and learn to work the land, before leaving to somewhere else for permanent settlement. The MBIers heard stories of young people from Eastern Europe who came to Palestine and the hardships, dilemmas, failures and numerous successes that they endured in their time at the Chatzer.

Just across the road from the Chazter Kinneret is the old Kinneret cemetery. Here, the MBIers could hear the stories of some of the  famous personalities in Israel and Zionist history, ranging from the early Socialist Zionist thinkers and writers Moses Hess and Dov Ber Borachov, to the early Chalutzim (pioneers) Berl Katznelson and Rachel, the poetess to some of the integral figures of the modern state, such as Israeli song-writer Naomi Shemer.

Following the tour of Chatzer Kinneret and the cemetery the group returned to Kibbutz Degania where they are staying and spent the afternoon discussing chalutziot (Israeli pioneers), their history as well as the vision they had for Israel.  They also spent time talking to recent Habonim Dror olim (people who have moved to Israel).  Hopefully they were able to get a sense of the connection between pioneers in the early 20th century and what being a pioneer could look like today either in Israel or at home in North America. 

In the evening they had fun activities run for them by their madrachim and went to bed early!

MBI woke up and after breakfast they spent some time in the morning discussing consumerism and specifically how it relates to they ways they engage in experiences and entertainment. The idea that we wanted them to explore was in essence how they create fun and leisure for themselves.  In today's world kids seem to be loosing a sense of the work that often needs to go into something in order for it to be enjoyable, memorable and positive!  

This discussion got them ready on a theoretical level for Rafsodia! The two day started this afternoon and the raft that they are currently in the process of constructing is made from three main supplies, rope, bamboo and large metal barrels that serve as flotation devices. All morning, afternoon and evening they worked on these rafts in their kvutzot with instruction from their madrichim (counselors) and staff from HeHalutz. HeHalutz, the organization who runs rafsodia, runs many rounds of the raft building each summer for many different organizations. They taught our chanichim how to tie the special knots needed to set together a raft at this size. 

Tomorrow, when the structure of the raft is complete, they will decorate a sail with a decoration that represents their kvutzah and see which of them is the first to reach the other side. Rafsodia is a special component of the MBI journey. While touring can be a very passive experience, rafsodia is anything but. During Rafsodia, they are given the chance to create something great together, to transport themselves to the other side of the Sea of Galilee. They will accomplish a lot together over the course of the two days.

I am still waiting for photos, however I will be posting lots as soon as I get them!


A reminder for everyone about free weekend, see the times and locations below.  We are currently in the midst of calling everyone's family/friends.  If we haven't gotten to you yet, please hold tight.

July 24
  • Two buses leave at 8:45 am. Bus 1 goes to Tel Aviv (40 kids) and Bus 2 to Haifa then Jerusalem 
  • Bus 1: Arrive at Haifa (Lev Hamifratz) at 10:00. Head out, arrive in Jerusalem (Binyanei Ha-uma) at 12:00. 
  • Bus 2: Arrive at Reading Station (Tel Aviv) at 10:45. 
  • Deganya Bet pickup: between 9-9:30 
  • Families need to show up 15 MINUTES EARLY in case we arrive early. We will update them if we are running late. 
July 26:
  • Deganya Bet drop-off at 7:20am, head out at 7:30 
  • Jerusalem and Haifa – kids need to be dropped off at 09:00. 
  • Tel Aviv families drop off kids at Kfar Hayarok at 10:30

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